Your business needs a website. A Facebook page doesn’t count, nor does a Twitter or LinkedIn profile. Most buyers check businesses on the internet before contacting/visiting/phoning them. In today’s dynamic and competitive market, you need your own space that provides a complete picture of what you’re offering. It’s a critical component of your brand. Your own website allows you to layout your business in an organised up-to-date manner. It’s not as difficult to setup as you might imagine, read more
Importance of Answering Emails
As I’ve mentioned before, I often wonder why some businesses have websites. They pay thousands of dollars to create and maintain a website, then when a potential customer contacts them via the website they don’t respond. This week I have contacted five businesses (via their contact page), I’m ready to buy, yet three have not replied to my request for prices. Two others have quoted me but haven’t replied to requests for more information. As I started out – Why have a website if you are going to ignore the responses it generates?